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Is biodegradable loosefill environmentally friendly?

Many businesses are buying biodegradable loosefill packaging products in the belief that they are following key environmental principles right through the supply chain. Unfortunately in the main they can be wrong.

Most biodegradable loosefill packaging is not disposed of by a controlled biodegradable system. On the contrary, most of it finishes up in landfill, and modern landfill systems are designed not to let products biodegrade. The loosefill packaging just becomes mummified in a semi sealed environment. Although biodegradable products are sometimes compostable, there are relatively few compost sites available for industrial products, and waste collections are normally taken to landfill or incineration.

Furthermore there can be a real danger to the plastics recycling streams if they are contaminated by biodegradable products as this may prevent the recyclate from having the properties intended, and prevent further recycling.

Conversely, Spacepack polystyrene Loosefill from Alsamex contains recycled materials and when it does finally reach the end of its life (often having been reused as well) it can be recycled! This obvious environmental benefit helps businesses to meet their stringent ‘green’ objectives.

Our Spacepack loose fill packaging is cost effective and a versatile solution that can be used in the packaging of a massive variety of products. In fact we’d go so far as to say that if you’re not buying Spacepack loose fill packaging, you’re probably not getting value for money! Get in touch today to discover if Spacepack loose fill packaging is the packaging product you need to deliver your goods safely and efficiently every time. Call us on 01462 672 951 or email

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Is biodegradable loosefill environmentally friendly?